Weihnachts Special
Artist Alley
hall 4
Alle Jahre wieder steht Weihnachten ganz plötzlich und „unerwartet“ vor der Tür. Zumindest fühlt es sich so an. Dann wird die Weihnachtszeit – statt zur besinnlichen – zur stressigsten Zeit des ganzen Jahres.
Take part and win one of three great Luma sets!
At our stand you can try out all of our great drawing papers. Are creative and draw your very "personal" artist autograph live on site on one of our Luma artist papers of your choice and take it take part in the raffle. Great prizes await you!!!
*You can also buy all items individually at our stand!
For all creative people who love painting and drawing with professional materials, this one is a must one-off Luma Christmas Set Offer not to be missed!
They are only valid for a short time...! Get them while stocks last !
5 great gift ideas that are on your wish list must not be missing!
5 unusual gift ideas to give your loved ones a special treat!
Our Christmas set offers for all creative people who appreciate high-quality professional drawing materials!
Set 1: Luma Marker-Set
Inhalt Luma Marker-Set:
1 Designbox "Marker"
10 Klappkarten "Mixed Media"
10 Klappkarten "Marker"
10 Briefumschläge weiß
10 Briefumschläge rot
1 Deleter Fineliner*
Inhalt Luma Aquarell-Set:
1 Designbox "Aquarell" (
10 Klappkarten "Mixed Media"
10 Klappkarten "Marker"
10 Briefumschläge weiß
10 Briefumschläge rot
1 Deleter Fineliner*